首页 > 产品讯息 > 导电浆质量保证系统
  • 我们的认证

  • 目前所销售之各型浆料均通过SGS检测,且有完整的可靠度检验模式。
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RoHS 检测


RoHS Inspection

All the pastes we sell have to be qualified with RoHS requirements through SGS lab. We avoid all the listed forbidden materials while we start to research and develop our paste. The concept of environmental protection has been applied to our product development continuously. 




我们拥有卓越的产品验证能力,自开发设计时间即参与先期可靠度工程实验,针对产品储运执行相关保存测试,针对网印后的电池及封装完成的模块亦根据IEC 61215等法规执行相关Thermal Cycle/Damp Heat/UV Exposure 测试,以确保产品的有效性,提供客户最完整可靠的产品。

Reliability test

We have excellent product certification capability. This reliable quality control system is involved during the developing stage. Concerning the product quality, we also did tests for preservations during storage and transportation. Further to ensure durability and validity, we produce the cell and module by using our paste, which will be tested by Thermo Cycle, Damp Head, and UV Exposure according to the law IEC 61215.

